Caramel Macchiato (Starbucks original)

Today’s Grande | Caramel Macchiato

One of Starbuck’s best selling drinks! The shots are poured on the top after the syrup and milk. 1 less pump than the original Starbucks standard of 3 Vanilla pumps, steamed soy (usually their standard is the 2% milk), foam (I Love Foam), and caramel crosshatched on the top.

Journal entry of the day:

What do you do to keep healthy? Do you plan on having exercise in your daily life? Have you started that plan? Today write about what goals you want to achieve for your health.

Lose weight

Get buff ripped

Stay healthy

Eat healthier

It doesn’t take one day to know it all. Start by educating yourself through books, articles and talking to like-minded people. You’d want to influence yourself on what it’s like. Once you know these things it’ll be much easier to make a change for yourself and your “Why” to doing it becomes a habit and a good one!

Quote of the Day

Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness.

~Edward Stanley

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